Monday, April 9, 2018

2018 Harley-Davidson Braggin' Rights

The fourth edition of the Harley-Davidson Braggin' Rights is just a few weeks away; time to inform the participants on this year's friendly competition at the fabulous Curacao International Raceway.

As with past HDBR's, the event is open to riders of Harley-Davidson motorcycles only. We will be using an eliminations ladder once the riders have had the chance to test and set up their motorcycles and made some qualifying passes. As is customary, FAC race rules will be applicable.

Last year we saw the emergence of Harley-Davidson owners having highly experienced drag racers compete on their behalf on their Harley's. This will be allowed once again, and if memory serves me right, there are some scores to be settled out on the 400 meter long track. The event winner will get their name etched onto the now legendary Harley Davidson Braggin' Rights Challenge Cup.

Previous winners are:
2017 Dangelo Diaz, rider: Kenchie Berkemeyer
2015 Alvin Augusta
2014 Jose da Silva

New for this year is a separate prize for the rider with the quickest reaction time (rt) during elimination rounds. So there's no reason not to enter the competition, except if you don't like to win stuff. RT's during testing and qualifying are not applicable.

Tickets will be sold at the Hog's Nest (Dr. Hugenholtzweg) on Thursday, May 3rd, 2018, 20:00-21:00 hours. Tickets are Ang. 100 per person.

To read up on last year's event, click here.

For more information contact us at 511-5615.