Thursday, December 28, 2017

Automotive Art Exhibition

SDDK Motorsports will be opening 2018 with an Automotive Art Exhibition.
The exhibition will run for three afternoons, from Thursday, January 18, through Saturday, January 20, and will feature artwork amongst others from:

- Formula One,
- World Rally Championship,
- Superbike/MotoGP,
- Drag Racing,
- World Endurance Championship,
- Vintage cars,
- Local photographs and collages.

The exhibition is meant to entertain and inform the spectator through a variety of pieces, which will include acrylic on canvas, lithographs, prints, photographs, collages, racing helmets, etc. Of course, there will be some "curiosa" as well.

Should you have a piece you would like to exhibit (free for exhibitors), give us a call and we will determine if there's still space available. Pieces to be considered are of: go karting, WABI (old timers car club), hill climbing, drag racing and drifting. However, we will consider any piece that can be argued as Automotive Art.

16 EAST - exhibition location
The Automotive Art Exhibition will be held at 16 EAST, which is located  at President Romulo Bethancourt Blvd 16, just opposite the American Consulate, and on the exit going to Fort Nassau.

The exhibition will be free to the public and there will be the opportunity to purchase refreshments and light snacks.

Though this first edition of the exhibition will feature only some 30 pieces, we will grow the exhibition in the coming years with more exhibitors. We hope to be able to count on your help to pass along the word, so that we all can enjoy each others company while discussing cars, motorsports and art. And, by all means, bring the kids.... they will love it!

For more information call +599 9 511-5615 during office hours.

Photo credit: own files

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Calling all car/bike enthusiasts

SDDK Motorsports strives to keep exploring new areas and in January 2018 we will be holding an Automotive Art Exhibition, I believe for the first time in Curacao. We would like to invite everyone who thinks they have something to show to contact us as early as possible. Maybe you can exhibit what you have too. These can be drawings, lithographs, prints, pictures, car parts, car or bikes with artwork on them, or anything you may consider art. Call us at 599 9 511-5615 and we'll find out.

SDDK Motorsport ta kontinuamente eksplora ideanan nobo i den luna di januari 2018 nos lo tene un Automotive Art Exhibition, probablemente e prome na Korsou. Nos kier invita kualkier persona ku ta kere ku e tin algu pa expone pa tuma kontakto ku nos mas pronto ku ta posibel. Por ta bo por expone lokual bo tin tambe. Esakinan ta: dibujo, lithographs, prints, potret, piesa di outo, outo of motorcycle ku arte riba nan of kualkier kos ku bo por konsidera arte. Kontakt nos na 599 9 511-5615 i nos lo papia.

Photo credit: Own files.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

DRAP 2016/2017 - Papiamentu

Komo ku drag race ta un dje deportenan mas kostoso na Kòrsou, SDDK Motorsports, den su afan pa duna un man, ta introdusí Drag Race Advertising Program.

12/12/2017 - Dos ganador den Real2Real
Den e ultimo kareda di aña, kual tabata esun di Real2Real, dos kompetidor afilia na DRAP a sa di gana nan kategoria. Esakinan ta Virgil Henriquez (Extreme Outlaw) i Ronald Mendez (Extreme Bracket) kual ta kobra un extra Ang. 750 i Ang 825 respektivamente. Seguramente un gran manera pa finalisa aña. Un pabien na un i tur ku a partisipa na e karedanan aki.

Photo credit: tur kredito ta bai  na e fotografonan/doñonan dje potretnan.

11/27/17 - DRAP ta sostene Real2Real
E ultimo kareda pa 2017 kual ta e kareda tan antisipa di Real2Real, dia 3 di Desember proximo, lo wordu sostene pa DRAP.

E categorianan lo ta:
- Real All In Bracket,
- Real Outlaw Door Slammer - no rules.

Pa mas informashon lesa aki bou of jama 511-5615.

8/7/2017 - DRAP ta paga ganado di RKS 5
Weekend ku a pasa a kore e Ronde Klip Shootout 30 Sept, esun kaminda tabata tin un "personal challenge" programa. Sigur algo interesante pa futuro. Den e kategoria Heavy Bracket No Box, pa di dos biaha den 2017 partisipante di DRAP Juliene "Andy" Bonifacio a sa di gana y huntu ku esaki kobra un extra 780 florin via DRAP. E montante aki no ta e maksimo ku e lo por a gana, pero ta e suma di e stekernan ku e tin riba su outo. Hopi bon!

7/22/2017 - E sigiente kareda ku DRAP lo sostene
E sigiente kareda lo ta e Ronde Klip Shootout #5, dia 30 di September 2017. Kontrali na e blog post di 6/3/2017 nos lo salta e kareda RKS #4, esaki komo ku nos a opta pa support e one Day Bracket di Juli 1, 2017.

7/22/2017 - DRAP ta paga ganador One Day Bracket
Poko dia despues ku e kareda aki a tuma luga, e ganador di e kategoria ku nos a sostene a entrega su potretnan pa prosesamentu. Poko despues a bai over na paga e partisipante di DRAP aki lokual e ta kom in aanmerking voor. Sr. Mendez a resibi un envelop ku Ang. 825 kesh. Pabien!

6/30/2017 - One Day Bracket (Flag Day ed.)
Pa motibunan fuera di nos alkanse ta te awor nos por anunsia ku e sigiente kareda ku DRAP lo sostene ta e One Day Bracket race di Juli 1, 2017.

E sigiente kategorianan lo bini na remarke:

- Import & Domestic
- Extreme Krioyo

Pa mas informashon tokante Drag Race Advertising Program, sigi lesa aki bou. Tambe por jama nos na 511-5615.

6/9/2017 - DRAP ta paga ganadornan di RKS 
Durante e siman ku a pasa e ganadornan di e kareda RKS a entrega nan potretnan pa prosesamentu. Esaki a wordu hasi mesora i a bai over na paga nan lokual nan tabata bin na remarke pe. Andy Bonifacio a resibi Ang. 780 kesh i Ronald Mendez a resibi Ang. 825 kesh. E diferensha di montante ta sinta den e kombinashon di stekernan ku nan tin riba nan auto. Pabien na ambos driver!

Si bo tambe kier partisipa den Drag Race Advertising Program, djis jama nos na 511-5615 i pasa buska e stekernan gratis. Korda, ta abo ta disidi ki steker bo ta plak riba bo outo.

6/1/2017 - RKS di 3 juni ta on!

E prome kareda ku DRAP lo sostene pa 2017 ta e RKS di 3 Yuni. E kategorianan lo ta esnan usual (Box & No Box).

E sigiente stekernan lo no forma parti di DRAP pa e aña aki:
402- Leañez,
The New Radiator.
Na nomber di tur e koredornan nos ta jama nan danki pa e sosten den 2016.

Please check bek prome ku kareda pa e latest update. Si tin pregunta, jama 511-5615.

6/3/2017 - Karedanan pa 2017:
- Ronde Klip Shootout #3, di 3 Yuni 2017,
- Ronde Klip Shootout # 4, di 5 Augustus 2017,
- Ronde Klip Shootout #5, di 30 September 2017,
- last race... n/a as yet. pls check back.

12/8/2016 - DRAP ta paga premio, CEF '16
Durante e karedanan tan gusta Curaçao Extreme Finals, Virgil Henriquez (partisipante di DRAP) a sa di sali kampeon den e kategoria Extreme Super Gas, koriendo ku Mr. Holley (Techi Racing Team). Komo tal, e la entrega su potretnan manera rekeri i ayera nos a paga Virgil 870 kesh!

Potret kortesia di W. van Lamoen (T.C.O.B.).

12/2/2016 - 402 ta wanta.
Na tur partisipante di DRAP, e steker 402 (serbes Presidente, di Leañez & Co) no ta tuma parti di e karedanan di CEF. Favor tuma bon nota di esaki, e steker aki lo no paga akaso si e koredor gana of sali runner-up den e kategorianan: Extreme Super Gas (9.90), Extreme Super Comp (8.90), of Extreme ET Bracket. Pa mas informashon, favor di jama 511-5615.

11/29/2016 - DRAP ku Curaçao Extreme Finals
Pa 2016 nos lo sostene e sigiente kategorianan di Curaçao Extreme Finals, y exito na tur e partsipantenan.
- Extreme Super Gas (9.90)
- Extreme Super Comp (8.90)
- Extreme ET Bracket.

12/10/2016 - DRAP ta paga premio kesh, RKS #5
Otro feliz partisipante tabata Ronald Mendez ku su "Purple People Eater" ku a entrega su potretnan pa asina bini na remarke komo ku e la gana su kategoria. E sigiente dia mes e  por a pasa buska su envelop. Ang 870,00 kesh!

30/9/2016 - DRAP ku RKS #5, Oktober 1, 2016
E progamma inovativo di DRAP, ku ta paga sen kesh ora gana of sali "runner up", lo partisipa na e sigiente kareda di RKS, esta esun di Oktober 1, 2016. Manera ta kustumer, e kategorianan pa RKS ta:
- Box
- No box.

1/9/2016 - DRAP ta paga premio kesh, RKS 6 Aug
Den siman di 8 di ougustus ultimo, DRAP a paga un suma di Ang. 1.730,00 na tres partisipante di DRAP. Esakinan tabata tin tur e stekernan bon poni riba nan outo y a sa di gana nan kategorianan den e Ronde Klip Shootout. Esakinan tabata Randall Wederfoort, Virgil Henriquez, i Ronald Mendez.

Si bo tambe kier gana extra premio, pasa buska bo stekernan!

E sigiente kareda ku DRAP lo support ta e RKS di October 1 (#5).

28/6/2016 - Ta buska boluntario pa juda ku DRAP
Pa juda pasa informashon, manera informa koredornan di algo of juda parti steker, etc, nos ta buska un boluntario. Preferibelmente un hende ku ta partisipa den DRAP of ta bon informa tokante e programa. Boso kooperashon lo ta altamente apresia. Favor di meldu via 511-5615.

15/6/2016 - Kategorianan di CEF's Flag Day edition
Pa medio di esaki nos ta informa ku di Curaçao Extreme Foundation su Flag Day Edition (July 3, 2016) DRAP lo partisipa ku e sigiente kategorianan:

- Imports & Domestic < 8.99 (equal to or faster),
- Extreme Krioyo <10.99 (equal to or faster).

Kada un dje kategorianan aki ta paga Ang. 3.000 pa 1st place. Si bo ta afilia na DRAP y bo gana un dje kategorianan aki, bo por gana Ang. 915 extra! Esta un total di Ang. 3.915.
E runner-up spot ta paga Ang. 305 extra.

Partisipashon na DRAP ta kompletamente gratis y ta abo ta disidi ki steker bo ta plak riba bo outo.
Pa mas informashon, jama 511-5615.
Exito na tur partisipantenan dje kareda.

27/5/2016 - Karedanan sostene
Pa medio di e blog aki nos kier informa ku pa 2016 DRAP lo sostene e sigiente karedanan:

- Jul 3, Curaçao Extreme Nationals - one day bracket racing
- Aug 6, Ronde Klip Shootout #4
- Oct 1, Ronde Klip Shootout #5
- Dec 1-3, Curaçao Extreme Finals

No ta antisipa kambio pero esaki no ta imposibel. E kategorianan lo wordu anuncia despues, pero mas pronto ku ta posibel. Tambe nos kier anunsia ku e stekernan nobo ta kla i partisipantenan por jama pa pasa buska nan. E kompanianan nobo ta:

Pa mas informashon fabor di jama 511-5615.

30/3/2016 - Update
Nos ta kontentu di por anunsia di tin dos kompania nobo ku a join nos Drag Race Advertising Program. Nan stekernan ta den fase final i pronto nos lo tin esakinan pa parti na e partisipantenan di DRAP. Komo tal, ainda nos no por start ku e programa. Manera ta kla, lo informa tur hende via di e blog aki.

29/2/2016 - Update riba e prome kareda ku DRAP lo sostene:
Pa motibunan fuera di nos kontrol ainda e lista di kompanianan ku lo partisipa na DRAP pa 2016 no ta kompletu. Tin kompanianan ku ainda mester konfirma ku nan ta partisipa.

Nos ta lamenta esaki pasombra nos kier a sostene e prome kareda kual ta e one day bracket race di 5 di Mart 2016, e Curaçao Extreme Nationals. Manera e lista ta kla, nos lo hasi esaki publiko i anunsia di biaha kual lo ta e prome kareda di 2016 ku lo sostene.

Si bo no a inskribi ainda, no warda. Hasi esaki ja bo tambe por gana extra cash! Pa mas informashon lesa e sekshon di DRAP pa 2015 of jama 511-5615.

E programa di 2016 ta yuda te un máksimo di 4 drag race sankshoná pa FAC (FAC ta determiná resultadonan), di kua nos lo selekshoná un máksimo di 5 kategoria. E Ronde Klip Shootout ta elegibel. DRAP no ta aplikable pa dragsters, motorsaikel òf outo ku ta kore riba kaya.
Pa mas informashon, klik aki i scroll lesa mas abou.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Dan Diaz winner 2017 H-D Braggin' Rights

Kenchi riding Diaz' Harley-Davidson
The 2017 Harley-Davidson Braggin' Rights was as action packed and fun as we had imagined it. And even though then TS Harvey passed to the North of us that morning, we stayed calm and made our way to the track.
More than a dozen fully prepped H-D were entered into the competition. And talk about braggin' rights...... some owners even had some of the best local drag bike riders on hand. Needless to say, these riders did not disappoint, with one even demanding his right to choose lanes.

After allowing the riders a great deal of passes to set up the bikes' tires pressure just right, we pooled the group into two and started eliminations rounds. I will come back with the ladders but in the end the Harley-Davidson of Dangelo Diaz got the win light. Congrats to them and to all of those who participated. It was great fun!

A shout out goes to the Curacao Extreme Foundation for allowing us to race at the Curacao International Raceway. Everything went smooth. We even got some traction compound finely sprayed on the starting line for the finals. How about that!

Please click here to watch the video.

Photo credit: own files.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Will your name go on this Challenge Cup?

The custom made Harley-Davidson Bragging Rights challenge cup.

If you're a Harley-Davidson rider and you think you have a darn fast bike, chances are you might want to enter into our Harley-Davidson Bragging Rights race of August 19, 2017, and see just how fast you really are!

Tickets, which are limited, are for the riders Ang. 125,00 and for spectators Ang. 75,00. This includes premium drinks and snacks. We advice those thinking to attend to buy their tickets early. Tickets are on sale via Hogs Nest on Dr Hugenholtzweg. One can also reserve tickets by calling 511-5615.

This fun evening is a fundraiser organized by SDDK Motorsports and will be the third annual Harley-Davidson Bragging Rights event.

For those of you unfamiliar with a challenge cup, in Dutch is known as a wisselbeker.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Harley-Davidson Braggin' Rights 2017

As mentioned previously, the new date for the third annual Harley-Davidson Braggin' Rights race is August 19 next. Contrary to previous years we will head straight to the track at 7.00 pm.

Tickets, which are limited, are for the riders Ang. 125,00 and for spectators Ang. 75,00. This includes premium drinks and snacks.

We advice those thinking to attend to buy their tickets early. Tickets are on sale via Hogs Nest on Dr Hugenholtzweg. One can also reserve tickets by calling 511-5615.

Funds raised on this fun night will go towards, several ongoing programs, including two that we are working on for children.

To watch a video of our 2014 event, click here.
To watch the 2015 video, click here.

For more information, contact us at 511-5615. See you at the track!

Friday, June 30, 2017

Buki regla 2017-2018

E "pocket size" buki regla pa 2017-2018 ta kla i ta obtenibel serka ARPO Body Shop. E prijs ta Ang. 20.00 pa ehemplar. E buki tin un cover di plastic transparente ku lo sa di protege e buki pa hopi tempu.

Na 2014, Curaçao Hot Rod Association (C.H.R.A.) a lansa e idea pa pasa e buki di regla di F.A.C. for di un forma digital, ku nan tin riba nan websait, pa unu imprimi ku ta fit den un saku, esta "pocket size". E motivashon ta pa hasi aun mas aksesibel e reglanan pa un i tur, esta pa tantu koredor komo publiko. Mihor hende konose e reglanan, mihor nan lo disfruta di e deporte di drag race.

Nos kier a gradisi e sponsornan di e publikashon aki. Esakinan ta:

Asogas Fuel Services - BOB Autowas - Emery Consulting Services - Runnin' Smooth - Valvoline - C.H.R.A.